Anthias Silverstreak (Psuedoanthias cooperi)
Anthias Silverstreak (Psuedoanthias cooperi)
- Care Level: Moderate
- Temperament: Peaceful
- Reef Compatible: Yes
- Diet: Carnivore
- Max. Size: 10cm
- Origin: Pacific Ocean
Pseudanthias Anthias should be added to well established aquariums with plenty of room to swim. Plenty of rock work, caves, cracks and crevices should be provided for areas to rest. Pseudanthias Anthias are reef safe, provide a diet of meaty enriched foods. Always keep well fed with multiple feedings per day. Anthias do best in groups or harems and prefer to swim mid-level in the aquarium. Anthias are hermaphroditic meaning they may have both sex organs at some point in their lives. Anthias are jumpers ensure you have a tight-fitting lid. Males and females may display different colourations.
Cooperi Anthias also known as Cooper’s Fairy Basslet. Males are reddish with a yellow anal fin, a silvery stripe below the eye onto the gill cover, an incomplete red rectangular bar or on the sides, elongate filaments on the pelvic and anal fins, and a red tail with long silvery blue filaments. Females and juveniles show reddish above fading to yellowish orange then pale pink below, a mostly red caudal fin with distinct red tips, a clear or whitish anal fin and no red bar on the sides.
Cooperi Anthias can grow up to 10cm in length.
We recommend a minimum aquarium size of 300L or larger for this species.