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Rasbora Neon Green (Microdevario Kubotai)

Rasbora Neon Green (Microdevario Kubotai)

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Family: Cyprinidae

Known from Ranong and Phang Nga provinces on the northwestern slope of peninsular Thailand and the Ataran River basin, a tributary within the Salween drainage in southern Myanmar which rises in Kanchanaburi province, western Thailand.

Apparently inhabits calm to moderately-flowing stretches of well-oxygenated headwaters and minor tributaries. Such habitats tend to comprise transparent water, substrates of sand, gravel, rocks, boulders, and patches of leaf litter, with submerged driftwood, roots of riparian vegetation, and aquatic vegetation in places. In the Songgaria River the water is clear, substrate composed of fallen branches, leaf litter, gravel, rocks, and exposed bedrock forming submerged rocky outcrops around heavily-vegetated margins. Sympatric species include Batasio tigrinus, Badis khwae, Tetraodon leiurus, Rasbora, and Schistura species. In the Suriya the water is well-oxygenated,  slightly turbid and aquatic plants such as Cryptocoryne crispatula var. balansae and Pogostemon helferi grow in calmer zones.  Other fishes include Parambassis pulcinella, Botia kubotai, Acanthocobitis pictilis, Schistura maepaiensis, Homalopteroides modestus, Syncrossus berdmorei, Pangio fusca, Pethia stoliczkana, Crossocheilus burmanicus, Akysis vespa, Glyptothorax dorsalis, Amblyceps caecutiens, Batasio feruminatus, B. dayi, Caelatoglanis zonatus, Psilorhynchus robustus, and Tetraodon cutcutia.

Maximum Standard Length:
15 – 20 mm.

Aquarium Size:
An aquarium with base dimensions measuring at least 60 x 30 cm is required. It is advised to find a filter which has a water flow between 4-5 times the volume of your aquarium.

Looks particularly effective in a planted arrangement with a darker substrate, and can appear a little washed out in sparsely-decorated set-ups. Also thrives in a set-up designed to resemble a flowing river or stream with a substrate of variably-sized rocks and gravel and some large water-worn boulders. This could be further furnished with driftwood branches and plants such as Microsorum, Bolbitis or Anubias spp. grown attached to the décor. Since it naturally inhabits running water this species should never be added to a biologically immature set-up as it requires stable water conditions, and weekly water changes of 30-50 % aquarium volume should be considered mandatory.

Water Conditions:
 20 – 27 °C
pH: 6.0 – 7.0
Hardness: 18 – 179 ppm

Likely to feed on small invertebrates, algae and other zooplankton in nature. In the aquarium it will accept dried foods of a suitable size but should mostly be offered small live and frozen fare such as Daphnia, Artemia, etc.

Behaviour and Compatibility:
Very peaceful but best maintained alone or with comparably-sized species that enjoy similar conditions. Other small fishes from Thailand such as Boraras micros, B. naevus, Trigonostigma heteromorpha, T. espei,  Acanthocobitis zonalternans, Acanthopsoides and Pangio spp. make excellent companions, and we suspect it might also do well alongside some species normally recommended for non-community aquaria such as Dario or smaller Betta. It is a schooling species typically occurring in groups of 20-50 individuals in nature, therefore the purchase of at least 8-10 is recommended. Maintaining it in decent numbers will not only make the fish less nervous but will result in a more effective, natural-looking display. Males will also display their best colours as they compete with one other for female attention.

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Rasbora Neon Green (Microdevario Kubotai)
Rasbora Neon Green (Microdevario Kubotai)
Rasbora Neon Green (Microdevario Kubotai)
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