Corydoras Julii
Corydoras Julii
Ideally use a substrate of fine sand, although rounded gravel is an acceptable alternative provided it is kept scrupulously clean.
Other décor is largely down to personal choice, but some cover should be provided to give the fish security.
Water Conditions
Temperature: 20 – 26 °C
pH: 5.5 – 7.5
Hardness: 36 – 215 ppm
Corydoras spp. are foraging omnivores, and most will accept sinking dried foods as well as small live and frozen varieties such as chironomid larvae (bloodworm), Tubifex, etc. Feeding a varied diet will ensure the fish are in optimum condition.
Under no circumstances should they be expected to survive on ‘left-overs’ from other inhabitants of the aquarium or relied on to ‘clean’ the aquarium.
Peaceful and gregarious. Should be maintained in a group of at least 4-6 individuals.
Females tend to grow larger, and sexually mature individuals are noticeably broader and deeper-bodied than males.