Dragonet - Scooter Marbled
Dragonet - Scooter Marbled
The Red Scooter Dragonet is also referred to as the Starry Dragonet or Stellate Dragonet. Its body is a mottling of red and white with large dark spots. The male usually has brighter colors and a larger dorsal fin.
It prefers a reef aquarium of 30 gallons or larger with lots of live rock to hide in and graze from. The substrate should be live sand and the aquarium should have docile inhabitants. More than one of its species may be kept, and it is best to introduce them all to the tank at the same time. The ratio should be 2 or 3 females per male. A 55 gallon or larger aquarium is required if more than one male is to be kept.
The Red Scooter Dragonet diet should consist of brine shrimp, bloodworms and glassworms, and small invertebrates. They are slow-moving, deliberate feeders and should not have to compete for their food.