Blue Eye - Forktail (Pseudomugil furcatus)
Blue Eye - Forktail (Pseudomugil furcatus)
Best kept in a densely-planted tank and an excellent choice for the carefully-aquascaped set-up.
The addition of some floating plants and driftwood roots or branches to diffuse the light entering the tank also seems to be appreciated and adds a more natural feel.
If you wish to raise fry alongside the adults the addition of fine-leaved aquatic moss such as a Taxiphylum sp. is advisable.
The water should be well-oxygenated and a degree of flow is advisable.
Do not add this fish to a biologically immature aquarium as it can be susceptible to swings in water chemistry.
Temperature: The air and water temperatures in its natural habitats do not vary a great deal and in aquaria the fish tend to fare poorly unless maintained within the range 24 – 28 °C.
pH: 7.0 – 8.0
Hardness: 268 – 536 ppm
Feeds chiefly on floating or suspended zooplankton, phytoplankton, and invertebrates in nature, and in the aquarium must be offered items of a suitable size.