Foxface - Magnificent "Rare"
Foxface - Magnificent "Rare"
Magnificent Foxface
Scientific Name : Siganus magnificus (Burgess 1977)
Other Common Names : Andaman Foxface
Rabbitfish Care Level : Easy, can be recommended as a saltwater beginner fish for someone with a large enough aquarium.
Size : Up to 9 inches (22 cm)
Life span : 5 - 7 years, often longer
pH : 8.1 - 8.4
Temperature : 75°F - 82°F (25°C - 28°C)
Specific Gravity : 1.020 - 1.025
Carbonate Hardness (dKH) : 8 - 12°
Origin / Habitat : Indo-Pacific, Indian Ocean
Temperament / Behavior : Magnificent Foxface Rabbitfish are often found in pairs in the wild but will probably not tolerate other rabbit fish in most tanks unless they are mated pairs and the tank is really large. Should play nicely with most other fish but may nip at crustaceans and other invertebrates. More aggressive tank mates should respect them because of their venomous dorsal spines and so should the hobbyist.
Breeding : Not sure, but they may have been bred in captivity by aquaculture farms.
Aquarium Size : 75 gallon (284 liters) minimum
Tank Mates : Probably best to keep only one rabbit fish to a tank unless it is really large (150 gallons or more). Can handle themselves around more aggressive tank mates. Use caution if you're planning on keeping them in a reef tank
Reef Tank Compatible? : Rabbitfish will do fine in a reef tank and like the tangs, they may help control some forms of algae when grazing on the live rock in between meals.
Fish Disease : Saltwater Fish Disease - Diagnose, Symptoms and Treatment
Diet / Foods : Give them a variety of marine foods but mostly marine algae type foods. They should accept vitamin enriched flake foods, frozen and live foods. They may sample some corals.
Tank Region : All over
Gender : Females are usually larger than males of the same age.