Hydroctyle tripartita "Japan" Mini
Hydroctyle tripartita "Japan" Mini
Hardiness: Moderate
Light Needs: Medium-High
Plant Structure: Rhizome
Family: Araliaceae
Genus: Hydrocotyle
Region: Americas
Location: North and South America
Growth Rate: Medium
Supplied as small pot
Hydrocotyle sp."Japan" is the popular name of the plant in different plant forums. It is a variant of Hydrocotyle tripartita from South-East Asia. It is characterised by fast, compact growth and small, intense green leaves on vertical stems. The plant is carpet-forming (5-10 cm tall) and its compact growth can be promoted by physically pressing the carpet with your hand when maintaining your aquarium (mechanical retardation). Carpet formation and compact growth do best in high light to maintain the compaction. It can also be treated as a sprawling/weeping plant on wood and decor.