Angelfish Multi Colour "Very Rare" (Special Order)
Angelfish Multi Colour "Very Rare" (Special Order)
The Multicolour Angelfish (Centropyge multicolour) is an attractive dwarf Angelfish, with distinctive colours. Its middle and upper body is white and the lower part is darker. The pectoral fins and tailfin are yellow, while its dorsal and anal fins are black with a blue trim on the edge. The black and blue colouration is also visible on its forehead and its face is a similar yellow to the fins.
Male Multicolour Angelfish are generally larger than their female counterparts. In Hawaii it has been possible to breed them in captivity, but the spawning part is easier than rearing the young. It is considered difficult for aquarists to breed them successfully. Courting behavior is different from other dwarf Angels. It is brief, starting with nuzzling over the substrate before they rise to release eggs and sperm.
This species is found in the Pacific Ocean. Areas include Micronesia, Marshall Islands, Fiji, Cook Islands, and recently Tonga. They are usually found between 20-115 meters on steep slopes, in rocky areas. If they are in shallower water, it is around reef drop-offs at 12 meters.
Tank Recommendations for your Multicolour Angelfish
Multicolour Angelfish are active swimmers and quite aggressive. Their tank size should reflect this and be at least 55 gallons (208.2 liters). Increase the size to 75 gallons (283.9 liters) for a mated pair.
The most suitable temperature is 76-81° F. This information comes from RCT Hawaii, who are successfully breeding them. There should be plenty of live rock with a variety of different hiding places. Multicolour Angelfish will also enjoy a rubble section in the tank. This will allow algae to grow and detritus to collect.
This species can stay in a reef tank, but care should be taken as it may eat some corals. This doesn't apply to all Multicolour Angelfish though. Introducing a coral to the tank and watching how it reacts is a good test.
Suitable Tank Buddies
Multicolour Angelfish are semi-aggressive, but one of the more aggressive dwarf Angelfish. None of their tank buddies should be smaller than them or less aggressive.
Although it is possible to house them in a reef aquarium, a fish only community aquarium is more suitable. Many of their recommended tank buddies aren't suitable for a reef environment.
Usually Compatible
Suitable tank buddies include Tangs, Damselfish, Larger Angelfish and Wrasses.
Sometime Compatible
Caution is advised in a reef tank as they may eat corals and if underfed some inverts. Anemones should be ok if they have a Clownfish guarding them. Conspecifics can cohabit if they are a mated pair, in a tank over 75 gallons (284 litres). If housing with Triggerfish only co-habit with less aggressive species.
Rarely Compatible
Avoid housing with docile, peaceful fish such as Gobies, Assessors, and Dartfish. Slow swimmers such as Pipefish and Seahorses are too delicate to co-habit. Larger predatory fish that can swallow the Multicolour Angelfish whole are a threat.
Feeding your Multicolour Angelfish
Multicolour Angelfish are omnivores. Their diet in the wild includes benthic weeds and algae, and zoobenthos. A tank diet should include prepared sponge and algae products, spirulina flakes. Vitamin enriched brine and mysis shrimp are good meaty products to include. Adults should be fed at least twice a day, juveniles up to 4 times per day.