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Rainbowfish - Celebes (Marosatherina ladigesi)

Rainbowfish - Celebes (Marosatherina ladigesi)

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One of the most stunning nano rainbows in the hobby the Celebes rainbow is one of the best beginner rainbows available. The thing that makes them so attractive is their flashy and unique fin-age which is constantly displayed by this fish when kept in groups. They also have beautiful colors on the fins with a striking yellow and black contrast.

Celebes Rainbow

One of the most stunning nano rainbows in the hobby the Celebes rainbow is one of the best beginner rainbows available. The thing that makes them so attractive is their flashy and unique finnage which is constantly displayed by this fish when kept in groups. They also have beautiful colors on the fins with a striking yellow and black contrast. This is complemented by the emerald green shimmer they have through their body which makes them like tiny beacons of shimmering lights in aquariums. Their small size of around 7cm max makes them a great addition for nano aquariums and their hardy nature is great for beginner fish keepers who want to get into keeping rainbows.  These fish display amazingly when kept in schools and are easily bred in the home aquarium given the right conditions. Males tend to have very flashy fin age and colors in contrast to the females which are less vibrant in color. To experience the behavior of this fish they are usually kept in species-only aquariums however they also make great fish add in a community aquarium with nano fish due to their very peaceful nature.  In the wild, the Celebes rainbow can be found in the waterways of Sulawesi Indonesia.


Tank Recommendations for your Celebes Rainbow 

Being a very small and easy to care for fish the Celebes rainbow can be kept in nano aquariums with the minimum being a 37-liter aquarium (10 gallons) more length is always appreciated for these fish. A sand substrate would be appreciated for these fish as well as a well-planted aquarium. This means they have cover to feel secure and it offers a safe pace for fry to grow. The Celebes rainbows are notorious for jumping so a tight-fitting lid is always a must. In terms of water conditions, these fish do best in the conditions that are provided to African cichlids weirdly. They like moderately hard water and this can be achieved with African cichlid lake conditioning salts.


Suitable Tank Buddies

Being a small and peaceful fish the Celebes rainbow is a very easy fish to pair with other tank mates. They can be kept in aquariums with other dwarf rainbowfish or in mixed community aquariums.


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Rainbowfish - Celebes (Marosatherina ladigesi)
Rainbowfish - Celebes (Marosatherina ladigesi)
Rainbowfish - Celebes (Marosatherina ladigesi)
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